Inside Out: Guelmi's new show


  • Inside Out: Guelmi's new show


Date: 16 November 2024, 20:00 Saturday


On April 30th, 1989, just a week before Jordan floated over Ehlo, Guelmi (or Güelmi, it doesn't matter now...) was born. He earned his nickname at school because his name, Miguel, was the only one that stuck when said backwards... Surprise! That's where it comes from... (The only thing he got out of his student days, that's why he hates board games).

An olive grower by profession. Cheerful at heart, 7 hours of "hitting" weren't funny at all. Or were they? Ironically, a monologue on the networks about his days in the field, took him out of there... And from there to the stage!


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