La Sonrisa de Julia
La sonrisa de Julia has always been a home for us. The home of a chosen family to which we return from time to time to share the best of what we have learned and experienced. A house in which musician friends who share a love for music and verse have come and gone. And it turns out that 20 years have passed on these foundations...
When the idea of celebrating a 20th anniversary began to float around in our heads, the first thing we did was to review our discography and look for a handful of songs that still have a special meaning for us today. What surprised us was that on that list there were more than thirty songs that moved us and still make us feel very proud today. It seemed like we had something beautiful to celebrate... even so, before deciding, we wanted to make sure of three things that were important to us.
First of all, we were clear that we wanted to publish an album with the best songs of our career in which to re-record, remix and update its sound and arrangements to our current pulse. But we also wanted to compose, play, rehearse, get together and create some new songs that reflected our current musical form. That was easy and exciting. Secondly, we got in touch with the musicians who formed, in our opinion, the best live line-up we've ever had to see if it was possible to reunite the band with whom we shared our best moments on stage. And finally, and to close the circle and make this something beautiful, we talked to Iñigo Argomaniz and the Get In team, the team with which everything began and grew. We were very clear that we would only celebrate a 20th anniversary if we had the enthusiasm and professionalism of a great team that we consider our musical family. And if, after the first few minutes of a phone call with Iñigo, we already knew that we were going to do it together, how could it be otherwise... We are lucky to have songs, a band and a team that are part of our life and that fill us with enthusiasm and the desire to celebrate our career. Friends, we're coming home to celebrate.
La sonrisa de Julia