Course | Opera Appreciation 2024: 3


  • Course | Opera Appreciation 2024: 3


Date: 23 September 2024 - 13 January 2025


By the hand of the director Víctor Manuel Dogar, we present a new cycle of the program of appreciation and history of the opera.
What does it consist of?
To enjoy and better understand the stories that operas tell us through the analysis of the different stagings proposed by the directors.
Through the selection of audiovisual examples, the participants, led by the teacher, take a tour of history taking as a basis the most relevant artistic movements to establish the aesthetic-stylistic correlation with the opera and place it in its historical context.
In each class a series of operas will be worked on, duly selected.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to have a clear and simple idea about the history and evolution of the opera and its different styles, in addition to appreciating and enjoying in a more conscious way the greatness of this musical genre through its stagings.
Information of interest:
Cycle of 12 sessions.
Monday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Price: 290€
Free introductory session:
Monday 23rd September, 17:00 to 19:00h
MONDAY 23: CLASS 1 – Introductory session
MONDAY 30: CLASS 2 – Rinaldo by Händel
MONDAY 14: CLASS 3 – Fidelio by Beethoven
MONDAY 21: CLASS 4 – Moses and the Pharaoh by Rossini
MONDAY 28: CLASS 5 – The poetry of the orchestra
MONDAY 04: CLASS 6 – Un ballo in Maschera by Verdi
MONDAY 11: CLASS 7 – Werther by Massenet
MONDAY 18: CLASS 8 – Introduction to Russian opera
MONDAY 25: CLASS 9 – Lady McBeth of Mtsensk
MONDAY 02: CLASS 10 – Puccini's Tosca: a different look
MONDAY 16: CLASS 11 – Christmas Special
MONDAY 13: CLASS 12 – Wildcard class

About Víctor Manuel Dogar
Graduated in Dramatic Art and Stage Direction from the Royal School of Dramatic Art in Madrid, this actor and director has developed his career over more than 30 years in numerous works in Film, TV and especially theatre, going so far as to create his own company “Teatro del Biombo”.
For more than a decade he has combined his artistic work with teaching, giving courses on approaching and understanding Opera and its staging.
His way of approaching this genre from a different perspective and far from serious academicism, has made his classes a unique reference.
All groups will be formed from a minimum number of students

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