OPEN EASY | Comedy



  • 8 September 2024, 20:00 Sunday
  • 11 September 2024, 20:00 Wednesday
  • 12 September 2024, 20:00 Thursday
  • 13 September 2024, 20:00 Friday
  • 14 September 2024, 20:00 Saturday
  • 15 September 2024, 20:00 Sunday
Past events
  • 7 September 2024, 20:00 Saturday
  • 6 September 2024, 20:00 Friday
  • 5 September 2024, 20:00 Thursday


OPEN EASY | Comedy

It opens easily: that which always costs us a lifetime to open. What is easy for some can be very difficult for others. That is how it is and that is how it will continue and will never change. It is easy that at this point in the synopsis Alaska has come to mind. But who cares about this?

The really difficult thing is that with this synopsis you can find out what the story you are about to see is about. I never said it was easy. Of course, if anyone thinks that he will be able to hold back his laughter... I find it really difficult.



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