While there is light, (Felipe Vega, 1987)


  • While there is light, (Felipe Vega, 1987)


Date: 31 January 2025, 19:30 Friday


Mientras haya luz (Felipe Vega, 1987)
Int.: Rafael Día, Jorge de Juan, Marisa Paredes, Iciar Bollain. Spain. 35 mm. B/W.

Jaime is an anthropologist who returns to Spain after several years away from his country. Once there, he must find an old professor and friend of his, who keeps a dark secret.

“Vega is a genuine filmmaker, because he is capable of creating a succession of images that, no matter how many references one finds in them to other cinema, are his own, they have no precedents, because their sequence, the thread of time on which these images are linked and follow one another, lacks them. For example, his systematic use of the fade to black, which could recall a mannerism derived from primitivist cinema and which Robert Bresson chose for his masterpiece, A Man Escaped, may seem abusive or imitative. And it would be so in a filmmaker without his own vision, but in Vega's case, instead of a forced or learned formalist apriorism, it turns out to be a trait of style so natural, that it seems fused with the breath of his inventiveness" (Ángel Fernández Santos)

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