Eternity lasts less | Photo walk: The eye of the photographer



Date: 7 September 2024, 10:00 Saturday
Past events
  • 20 July 2024, 10:00 Saturday
  • 6 July 2024, 10:00 Saturday


Among the various activities parallel to the exhibition Last Eternity Less (PHotoEspaña 2024), Fundación Casa de México in Spain will carry out a photographic walk or photowalk. This activity will be held up to 3 times in the months of July and September. The first of these sessions, on July 6, will be given by photographers Rafael Doníz and Pedro Valtierra.
The photography walk is an outdoor experience, aimed at amateurs and advanced photographers, which gives the opportunity to learn, meet people and capture memorable moments in an urban or natural environment.
This activity is unique and can focus on various topics: composition techniques, camera aspects, landscape photography, street photography, among others.
In each location, participants have the opportunity to explore little-known corners of the city for a day, guided by photographers, where they will have the opportunity to enrich their personal projects and learn about the artists' careers.
The activity includes team building, identification of routes and itineraries, image taking sessions, reviews of captured photographs, and opportunities to share knowledge and experiences.
In addition, there will be a prior visit to the photography exhibition Eternity Lasts Less where participants will be able to be inspired and learn first-hand about the work of these renowned photographers.
Number of participants: 26 divided into two groups
The photography walk is an outdoor experience, aimed at amateurs and/or advanced photographers, which gives the opportunity to learn, meet people and capture memorable moments in an urban or natural environment. This activity is unique and can focus on various topics: composition techniques, camera aspects, landscape photography, street photography, among others.
In each location, participants have the opportunity to explore little-known corners of the city for a day, guided by photographers Rafael Doníz and Pedro Valtierra, where they will have the opportunity to enrich their personal projects and learn about the artists' careers. The activity includes the formation of teams, routes and itineraries, an image taking session, review of the captured photographs and the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences.
In addition, there will be a prior visit to the photography exhibition Eternity Lasts Less where participants will be able to be inspired and learn first-hand about the work of these renowned photographers.

Session 1
July 6 | From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Session 2
July 20 | From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Session 3
September 7 | From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
It is necessary that all participants bring a digital camera (no cell phones).
Charge your camera's battery and empty the memory card.
Carry your equipment in a compact backpack.
If you have them, wear different lenses. This will allow you to change the point of view of what you are photographing. (A Wide Angle lens will allow you to capture open shots and wider panoramas while a Zoom lens will allow you to focus on details.
Do not carry excess equipment.
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Do not photograph children unless you have the parents' permission.
Imparted by:
Pedro Valtierra
He is one of the most prominent photojournalists of the 20th century in Mexico. He was born in San Luis de Ábrego, in the municipality of Fresnillo, Zacatecas, on June 29, 1955, he is the third of eleven children of the marriage between Socorro Ruvalcaba Carrillo and Juan Valtierra Ortiz. Since he was a child he worked in the fields and later, in the city of Fresnillo and in Mexico City where the Valtierra family moved, he worked in various jobs: newspaper announcer, mechanic's apprentice, bricklayer, boxer, record salesman. and shoe shiner, a job that opened the doors to the official residence of Los Pinos where he polished the shoes of the president of Mexico and other employees. With the photographers Manuel Madrigal and Agustín el Chino Pérez, members of the press and communication team of the Presidency, he learned the secrets of the photographic laboratory and journalistic coverage.

After training as an official photographer, he worked for the newspapers El Sol de México, unomásuno and La Jornada. In these newspapers he carried out important international coverage such as the armed confrontations in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Haiti, or the activities of the Polisario Front of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, on the African continent. In Mexico, his work on the 1985 earthquake and the uprising of the Zapatista National Liberation Army in Chiapas are fundamental in the history of journalistic photography.
Pedro Valtierra's work has been shown in more than one hundred exhibitions and in dozens of books and specialized publications. Among the multiple recognitions that he has earned, the National Journalism Award in 1983 stands out; the acquisition prize at the Second Photography Biennial, in 1984; the Silver Medal from the International Organization of Journalists, in Moscow, Russia, in 1986; second place in the México en la Encrucijada contest, in Munich, Germany, in 1994, and the King of Spain Award for Best International News Photography, awarded by King Juan Carlos I by the EFE agency and the Ibero-American Cooperation Institute. , in 1998. He is founder of the agencies Imagenlatina and Cuartoscuro, the Fototeca de Zacatecas and the specialized magazine Cuartoscuro. From these companies and institutions he has promoted the dissemination of Mexican photography and the careers of numerous photographers and journalists.
Rafael Doniz
He was born in Mexico City on August 29, 1948, he was the eleventh child of the twelve born to Antonio Doníz (cutting tailor) and Angélica Glafira Lechón (descendant of a family of journalists from San Luis Potosí). He began studying sociology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, but after the student movement of 1968 that culminated in the massacre of dozens of young people at the hands of the Mexican Army, he left his studies and went to California, United States. He visited his brother, the plastic artist Roberto Donis (who signed by changing the last letter of his last name), in New York. Upon learning of his interest in photography, Roberto helped him contact Manuel Álvarez Bravo, who became his assistant from 1971 to 1976.
Álvarez Bravo instilled in him patience and impeccable work in the laboratory. He increased his musical and literary culture and taught him to carefully observe art and photography books, many of them published by the Fondo Editorial de la Plástica Mexicana, where the teacher made photographic reproductions of the work of the most important artists. Mexicans. In the same way, a good part of Rafael Doníz's photographic work has consisted of photographing works of art, archaeological zones, viceregal objects and architectural spaces for various publications, which has given him the possibility of visiting corners of the country capturing the images that he he is interested.
In 1976 he was part of the New Values ​​exhibition at the Salón de la Plástica Mexicana at the Palacio de Bellas Artes Museum. Since then he has had dozens of individual exhibitions in different cities in America and Europe, his work is part of some of the most important photography collections internationally and he has published more than sixty books, among which stand out: Casa Santa ( 1986), Nayari Cora (2014), Of Giantesses and Other Chimeras (2018), Anonymous Heroes (2020) and Symbolism of Form (2021).
Special mention deserves his work in Oaxaca—sometimes collaborating with the artist Francisco Toledo—which gave rise to the books: H. Ayuntamiento Popular de Juchitán: photographs by Rafael Doníz (1983), Monte Albán (1990), El mundo mixteco y zapoteco (1992), Yagul and Mitla Caves: the eternal cultural landscape (2013) and Salineros. Living portrait of a forgotten profession (2015). Doníz has traveled throughout the country recording the ethnic diversity of Mexico, his photographs capture the daily life, festivals and sacred rituals of the Nahuas, Mayans, Coras, Huichols, Mazahuas, Purépechas, Triquis, Yaquis and Zapotecs, but also the trades , the spaces and customs of the inhabitants of the great City of Mexico.


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