Theater Company "Arts i Oficis" Ibiza


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Type: Theatre

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Address: Rio Duero, 5, Ibiza, Spain


Ibiza amateur theater company. Founded in 1964 by Pedro Cañestro.

Grup de Teatre Experimental de l’Escola d’Arts i Oficis d’Eivissa. Experimental theater group in the city of Ibiza, directed by Pedro Cañestro Torres. The seva activitat will begin with the representation of La barca sin pescador by Alejandro Casona l’any 1969 at the parish hall of Santa Creu (Eivissa). Both this mateixa's work and are still going to compete in the Youth Social Theater Contest called by the Ministry of Information and Tourism, celebrated in Palma and will be classified for the sector phase held in Castelló, both of which they will be awarded the first prize. the millionth interpreted by Emili Benavides and Rosita Ferrer and will be awarded with the third final prize in Santander. L’any 1971 will be selected among the first Balearic firsts for the work The Night of the Assassins, by Cuban author José Triana. L’any 1972 premieres History of the zoo, d’E. Albee, who will be the guanyar the provincial phase of the Contest and will pass to the sector phase held in Albacete on going to be classified and the actors Antoni Jiménez and Antoni Planas will be guardians of the first premi d'interpretació i the final phase held in Àvila The group will go to the second final prize and the first interpretation. L'any 1972 is also going to celebrate in Menorca the Setmana de Teatre Balear organized by the City Council of Maó, to which it is going to present The Night of the Assassins, and a Poetic Experiment, based on verses by Marià Villangómez, Isidor Macabich and altres poetes eivissencs anònims. Aquest mateix is ​​going to represent Federico García Lorca's Blood Wedding, which will lead to the provincial classification and will go on to the sector phase held in Lleida, to which Rosita Ferrer will win the first award for female performance. L’any 1973 premieres Tiempo de 98 by J.A. Castro, both of whom qualifies for the provincial phase and has the first award for the sector phase held in Valencia and I obtained the third award for the final phase held in Cuenca and the award for the female performance will go to Neus Bonet. L’any 1974 premieres El retaule del flutista by Jordi Teixidor. In 1975 he represents Los justos d ’Albert Camus, both of whom lead the provincial phase and remain first qualifier for the final phase held in Girona. L'any 1976 presents S'assemblea de ses dones d'Aristòfanes, in a version by Marià Villangómez, both of which guide the provincial phase and go to the sector phase held in Sabadell where I obtained the first award for male and female interpretation, The award for the decoration and award for the director and is classified according to the final held in Almagro, on I obtained the first national award for social youth theater and the Patrícia Serra group, and the first award for interpreting. Des d'aquest any has represented these works among the quals we can mention: Luz de gas d'Hamilton, We, they and the elf by Carlos Llopis, The stork said yes, from the mateix author, The artificial children of Bati, Care with La Paca by José de Lucio, What do we do with the old men, by the author mateix, The respectful whore by Sartre, the Lisístrata d'Aristòfanes in a version by Bernat Joan, Open couple by Dario Fo, Sangre gorda dels germans Alvarez Quintero, The cheerful genius , The miraculous water, The boy, What does not die dels mateixos, Sancho in Barataria Island, by Cervantes, The manchego who married a brave woman, The fablilla of the well-kept secret, d'Alejandro Casona, Rings for a lady, d 'Antonio Gala, Cuñada comes from a wedge, d'Alfayate, The vested interests, by Jacinto Benavente, La enamorada del rey, by Valle Inclán, The enemy, by Darío Nicodemis, Married sins, d'Alonso Millán, The house of Bernarda Alba , Doña Rosita the single, The prodigious shoemaker, Don Pe's loves rlimplín, by Federico García Lorca, A poetic experiment, based on poems from the Cry for the Death of Ignacio Sánchez Mejías and Gypsy Ballads by Federico García Lorca, A closed door, by Sartre, Sebastià Jutjar's house must be undone, Marbella mon Amour , Women's Police Station. He is also going to stage a Poetic Experiment, at the Plaça de l ’Ajuntament de Santa Eulària del Riu, based on poems by Federico García Lorca, Miguel Hernández, Antonio Machado and Rafael de León. During the years 70 and 80, the children's theater scene has been represented by many counters dramatitzats written by his director Pedro Cañestro Torres: Bethlehem, Bethlehem, The Magician Pirula, Little Red Riding Hood, The Quirico Rooster and the Potorro, Pinochp and the Magic Hat, The jumping dwarf, the silly Cinderella, Alibaba, the princess Perragorda, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, The Matachina witch. Durant els darrers anys he has represented Don Mendo's Revenge by Muñoz Seca (1997), Borma d'Henri Ibsen (1998), Revolta de bruixes by J.M. Benet i Jornet (2000). This theater group has carried out the assaults on the School of Arts and Offices of Ibiza, located at Avinguda d'Espanya, No. 15 of Ibiza, since any of the fins a l’an foundation

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