Camp Alzines Metropolitan Dance


  • Camp Alzines Metropolitan Dance


Date: 19 March 2025, 20:00 Wednesday


After the creation of Calidoscòpica, the performative, musical and dance duo that staged the trobada of dues gifts focusing on mental health, creativity, humor and well-being, the choreographer Sònia Gómez has invited different collectives of the city to share the scenic exercises held in the research process and muntatge of the Calidoscòpica spectacle. In this case, the participants are users of the Mental Hygiene Center in the Corts neighborhood.

Camp Alzines is a community co-creation project that, following the Calidoscopic marriage show, directs collectives who deal with chronic or temporary mental health disorders.

Since 2004, Sònia Gómez has put on stage projects that have in common the theme of identity construction, but also the discovery of certain social impostures through art, and of art impostures through cos and performance.


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